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New Mod started - FanOut
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:21 am
by wild_qwerty
There is a new mod in the works, and it will be a totaly new campaign much like Fanmade Fallout, Fallout Yurop and of course Mutants Rising.
They are well organised and (probably more so than a lot of other recent mods) their plan is to start simple and build on it from there.
Features wil include:
- A one town demo as proof of concept (30 page design doc already)
- New critters
- Talking heads
- New weapons
They are currently looking for more scripters and the like, so contact EnderWiggin at for more information. They have just moved their site and I cant access their forums at the moment, but here's the links anyway:
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:51 am
by PsychoSniper
To my knowlwdge the sitre is just being updated, as the last I saw on the team mebers section of the forum there was talk of updating the site a bit more.
Thats all I know as of now, but it shouldnt hurt things to much at the moment, since were stil doing pre production stuff like getting a design doc for the demo city compleated (and are close to finishing it.)
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:56 am
by Enderandrew
I'm not sure why the site is down.
Someone was giving us free hosting, and I have not heard back from our web-guru.
Push come to shove, I've looked into buying a domain name, and hosting. One way or another, the site will be back up soon.
When I have the site issues addressed, I'll stop back by here with an update on our progress and a link.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:12 am
by PsychoSniper
Or we could always beg NMA/DAC to host it for us.
If push comes to shove at least.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:29 am
by wild_qwerty
Just deleted the tripple post Enderandrew, looks like you posted the same thing 3 times.
If you want hosting here you would need to ask one of the admins such as Saint Provebious or Mr Tea Time
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:39 am
by PsychoSniper
With luck the issue will be fixed though.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:15 am
by LlamaGod
I wanna see the talking heads.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:52 am
by Raymondo
*Eagerly waits for someone to slip up*
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 2:21 pm
by Saint_Proverbius
That's the one Volourn is working on. There's not much point in even talking about it since it will never happen.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 2:27 pm
by Raymondo
(30 page design doc already)
I hope that includes concept art, pages and pages of concept art.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:02 pm
by Saint_Proverbius
When you write in crayon, you need more pages.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:37 pm
by PsychoSniper
I have the design doc, and it's extremly well done.
Admitidly, no concept art yet, but the first version of the design doc was only recently finished.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:41 pm
by Raymondo
I have the design doc, and it's extremly well done.
Are you sure?
Because a design document with over 25,500 words which just explains the property of a demo doesn't sound "extremely well done" to me.
It sounds like someone got carried away.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 10:14 pm
by PsychoSniper
It deatails most avalible quests and such, and is a good starting point since the mappers know what to make for the concept maps now.
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:32 pm
by wild_qwerty
Actually if it includes a small back ground for each character, a discriptions of the map, sample dialog, and quests it could quite easily get that big.
For my new side project the "Toxic Mod" the design doc is only 4 pages long and that includes 2 pages of map lay-outs. Though my mod doesnt really add any new characters just a new area full of bad guys to squash and the Environmental Armour from FOT. I could probably update the design doc with another page all two I suspose but there's only ColJack and myself working on it so it doesnt need to be quite as structured
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:04 am
by Raymondo
A 30 paged design document explaining the properties, decisions and choices of one demo town doesn’t sound like good designing to me actually it sounds like the opposite. I’ve warned people about this, good writers don’t always make good designers; they tend to write too much useless crap which slows development time down and can confuse the development team as well as the designer writing it. Also designing a game is way more complex than writing a book or story; do any of your writers even know the basic principles of game design, the pie theory perhaps?
It’s good that you kept your “Toxic Mod� documents small but don’t spoil it by adding another 2 pages of lengthy useless rubbish, a large design document doesn’t mean a well designed game.
Also don’t get too arrogant, games often look better in the design stage than the development stage. A few things to keep in mind.
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:16 am
by wild_qwerty
Fallout Junkie wrote:.....good writers don’t always make good designers; they tend to write too much useless crap which slows development time down and can confuse the development team as well as the designer writing it. Also designing a game is way more complex than writing a book or story......
I have to admit he has a point here, the games need to be a bit more like a 'Pick a path adventure' book rather than a novel. different options for good, evil, stupid, male, female characters add a lot of side-ways story options to the 'script'
Also I weren't mearly going to add 2 pagees of junk for the sake of doing so, it would be just documenting changes and additions to what has changed or altered during production. I am planing on releasing the Design doc with the mod, of course it would be best if people didnt read it until after they had completed the mod, but it would help other modders possibly or just be interesting to some people.
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:20 pm
by Enderandrew
Those that had read the document have nothing but good things to say about it. I've been writing for years, on everything from poetry, to short stories, to newspaper articles, to technical manuals, to expositions, to screenplays, etc.
I assure you there is no fluff in the design doc, and it's well organized. However, we're not releasing a design doc. We're releasing a demo. Our artists have only given us sample work thusfar, but it's been impressive, and I have two more artists coming on board. I have a few more potential scritpers, and we've had to turn down several writers.
The support on the project has been good, and I think the team has put out a lot of great ideas so far. I know this project is in it's infancy, but we've been setting small goals, and defining specific roles and jobs. I was a little shocked in reading this thread. You guys are the only ones being negative about this project.
I also have a few surprises that not even my team members know about. I don't want to announce anything until I can nail down specific details and make specific promises.
We haven't promised anything we can't deliver, and we've been very upfront about what we're doing. I think we've been more accessible than most any mod group I've ever seen.
In a lot of ways I respect and emulate what Mutants Rising is doing. I love the monthly press releases. I love how supportive those guys are of the entire Fallout community.
in the end, our released work will speak for itself.
I was stopping by because I was looking for a new host for the site. I was told you guys were interested in hosting it.
If not, I'm going to buy some hosting today and a domain name. I want to get the new site up as soon as possible.
I have to admit he has a point here, the games need to be a bit more like a 'Pick a path adventure' book rather than a novel. different options for good, evil, stupid, male, female characters add a lot of side-ways story options to the 'script'
Ask PsychoSniper about the document. I'd say that's exactly what we've done. The first 13 pages of the document covers all the history, setting, descriptions, factions locations, NPCs and structure of the demo. It also covers how and where you start.
The next 17 pages cover quests, and that doesn't include the final faction quests. Each quest lists how it starts, who offers it to you, what routes you can take to accomplish it, and the different outcomes. This isn't a 30 page novel. It's very segmented, and orderly. The length is due to the varied options available on quests, and how we implement them.
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:55 pm
by Saint_Proverbius
Enderandrew wrote:I was stopping by because I was looking for a new host for the site. I was told you guys were interested in hosting it.
PM me. We'll talk about these things.
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:11 pm
by ColJack
and when were you planning on sending ME this design doc for the mod i'm working as the other person on???