Ferret Baudoin developers profile at NMA

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Mr. Teatime
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Ferret Baudoin developers profile at NMA

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[ -> Interview]</strong>

<b>Ferret Baudoin</b>, who apparantly worked on <b>Van Buren</b>, has filled out a <a href="http://www.nma-fallout.com/article.php? ... developers profile</a> which asks the exact same questions as all the other developer profiles at <a href="http://www.nma-fallout.com">NMA</a>.
<br><blockquote><b>Any last word to the Fallout fan base?</b>
<br>Give Betheseda a chance. They may surprise you. And even if it isn’t the same game you were expecting, it could still be something special. I just don’t want the license to go away – too many fond memories.</blockquote>
<br>There's really not much to say about <a href="http://www.bethsoft.com">Bethesda</a> because they haven't given us any more information other than slightly ominous hints of a multiplatform release and avoidance of the traditional <b>Fallout</b> viewpoint (which, in fairness, might have been a misquote). Still, there's hope that they can prove the cynics wrong and come out with a classic <b>TURN BASED</b>, <b>PC ONLY</b> and <b>TRADITIONAL FALLOUT VIEWPOINT</b> game that is <b>NOTHING LIKE MORROWIND</b> (as many have pointed out, <b>Fallout</b> and <b>Morrowind</b> are on opposite ends of the 'RPG' spectrum).
<br><b>EDIT by <i>Saint_Proverbius</i>:</b> How come you guys always forget <i>dialogue trees</i> in that list?
<br>Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.nma-fallout.com">NMA</A>
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Post by Spazmo »

Give the Ayatollah a chance. He could surprise you. Okay, unfair comparison, but the thing is that Bethesda has made bad games, so fuck 'em.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Janus Matchell
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Post by Janus Matchell »

Spazmo wrote:Give the Ayatollah a chance. He could surprise you. Okay, unfair comparison, but the thing is that Bethesda has made bad games, so fuck 'em.
I have to agree with spazmo he has a point that Bethesda has made some shit. I haven't really been too impressed with them in the first place because it just seems like a whole fuck-ton of redundant hack and slash BS.
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Post by Enderandrew »

I'm not sure that's entirely fair.

Morrowind suffered from boring gameplay, but was far from simple-hack-and-slash.

I loved that you could create your own spells, items, etc. There were tons of quests, and lots to do. They spent a lot of time and effort on Morrowind. I imagine Fallout will get similiar attention. I just hope gameplay itself is more fun than Morrowind.
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