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Fallout/Fallout2 in windows xp (old one got nuked)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:21 am
by Stainless
Accidently nuked the other topic. How deleting a double post kills a thread is beyond me, but I have everything cached so here it is again. For all those people that cared about your post count getting dropped by....1? Tough. :anger:
echotheory wrote:yeah, I know, another one of these but my problem seems to be a little more complex.

First things first though, relevant machine specs:
Asus MB
p4 3.0
1 gig ddr ram
win xp home

Fallout 1 installed and ran without a single problem/glitch/malfunction on my machine, which apparently around here is pretty unheard of.

Fallout 2 however has been a nightmare. Once it reaches the "Please Wait" screen, I'm immediately kicked back to the desktop. I've tried playing with the compatibility suggestions made here, I've tried editing the fallout2.cfg file and all my paths are active. I've tried doing a manual install like some have said.. ie: copying files from the cd to my harddrive and just opening the patch to get the rest of the files. This seems all good or whatever but my the critter file , about half way through copying, errors out saying " Cannot copy CRITTER: Invalid MS-Dos Function" wtf? Sometimes it also says, "Cannot copy: Cyclic Redundancy Error" or something to that effect. Even with the "Humongous" install option it never seems like the Critter file is getting into the Fallout2 folder in whole. Do i have a bad cd? What else could be causing my problem? Help?

Thanks so much and sorry again for adding another one of these threads here.
S4ur0n27 wrote:I dunno but if you got your CD from or some other torrents place, chances are you got the same ISO as I have, and well, it's corrupted. Poop told me some people were talking about it on the suprnova forums, but I can't access them for some strange reason.
Guest wrote:Fallout 1&2 both run perfect on my machine(I also use XP). When I add a city to fallout 2 if I forget to put the city.txt or maps.txt into the BlackIsle/Fallout2/DATA/data directory I get the same basic result.

Maybe you're doing this too(if you mod).
King of Creation wrote:See if any of this will help
echotheory wrote:welp, i have the game running now, cd was just dirty as hell but now im having other problems... haha guess ill search around here and see if anyone else has had em before i post again.
zetabobster wrote:Well what I do is on my Win XP machine i go into explore on the disk, then i click it, hit proertities go to compatibility then hit windows 98, i use the humongous install and it works great
JoCom13195 wrote:Hello all.

I recently bought the Fallout/Fallout 2 double jewel case package. Autoplay works fine with the games, and installation completes without a hitch. However, the autoplay's "play" button is still greyed out, and when i try to launch the game, the screen goes black and my NEC monitor makes a *click* noise that I associate with changing resolutions. It then clicks again, and the black fades back to desktop. Occasionally, I get to the grey screen that says "Please stand by."

I have tried innumerable combinations of the compatability options, I have set my desktop settings to low (800 x 600, Medium 16bit), I tried disabling my graphics card and startup processes and such. Once my graphics card was disabled, i could get the initial movie to play, but at the end, the screen's colors inverted like a photo negative and the program froze.

If anyone knows what else i could try (or has devised a fix) I would be very interested in hearing from you. Thanks all.


My system includes:
P4 3GHz
Geforce FX 5900 Ultra
Windows XP Professional
Stainless wrote:Have you tried a humungous installation? Also, sometimes not all the files are installed (no idea why), so you may want to look around your Fo/Fo2 directory and look for the folders with missing bits and copy/paste them over from the cd directly.