<strong>[ -> Interview]</strong>
The CEO of <a href="http://icarusstudios.com/">Icarus Studios</a>, who are making a post-apocalyptic MMORPG, <a href="http://fallenearth.com/">Fallen Earth</a>, has been <a href="http://www.gamergod.com/article_display ... nterviewed at GamerGod</a>. <b>James Hettinger</b> is his name, and here's some of what he had to say:<blockquote><i><b>GamerGod- The obvious guess would be Mad Max? Where has the inspiration for the game come from? </b>
<br>J. Hettinger - There's a whole body of post-collapse, post-apocalypse media that influenced us - and that we feel we're adding to. In films, not just the Mad Max series, but also their precursors, the Planet of the Apes movies, Logan's Run, The Omega Man, as well as some recent films such as The Postman and Waterworld. Of course, there are the lesser known ones like Le Dernier Combat, Luc Besson's first feature, and a million B movies from the Seventies, Eighties, and Nineties.
<br>But it's more than post-apocalyptic movies. The Matrix (which has post-apocalyptic underpinnings), X-Men - in short, the whole group of films that deals with questions of what comes next and what can come next, the way books like The Stand, Lucifer's Hammer, Earth Abides, Alas Babylon, the novels that The Postman, The Omega Man, and Logan's Run were based on. Let's not forget Comics such as Judge Dredd (not the movie!) or Jeremiah (both the comic and the Showtime series.)
<br>In games, there's Fallout, of course, Gamma World, and some obscure titles from the Eighties and early Nineties, board games like Car Wars and so on.
<br>In short, there's a variety of thought and speculation about the nature of post-apocalyptic futures. From the beginning, our goal has been to create our own take, molding our vision of the world to come by studying today's world trends and adding our own insights and approaches to the question of what comes after.</i></blockquote>That's a substantial list of influences. If only someone would take them and make a single player RPG. Oh, hi <a href="http://www.troika-games.com">Troika</a>!
Fallen Earth interview
- Mr. Teatime
- Righteous Subjugator
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- Joined: Mon May 19, 2003 12:07 pm