Fallout: Legion of Empire

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Mr. Teatime
Righteous Subjugator
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Fallout: Legion of Empire

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Mod News (DO NOT USE - use MOD > UPDATE instead)]</strong>

Forum newcomer <b>Big Tom</b> has sent me an email talking about his new <b>Fallout: Tactics</b> campaign called <b>Fallout: Legion of Empire</b>.<blockquote><i>I am from Czech Republic and my name is BigTom. I started to work on my new Campaign for Fallout Tactics called Fallout: Legion of Empire And I would like to announce it on your web site with some photos. I am registered there like Big Tom.
<br>I am sending you also some shots from the testing.
<br></i></blockquote>His English is extremely shaky, as you can tell. However, the 15 screenshots (which you can view from the links in <a href="http://www.duckandcover.cx/forums/viewt ... 0467">this thread</a>) he sent me are impressive, and some real work seems to have been done on the mod so far - so good luck!
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