Interplay lurch onwards, begging for a decent headshot

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Mr. Teatime
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Interplay lurch onwards, begging for a decent headshot

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Company -> Update]</strong>

It looks like <b>Luke Haase</b> is still alive and 'working' for <a href="">Interplay</a>. <b>frymuchan</b> <a href=" ... 61">writes on Raging Bull</a>:<blockquote><i>oops!! Luke Haase just got back to me. Here's his reply to me:
<br>Thank you for your note.
<br>Interplay does have a staff at their new offices working in a variety of functions, including management, financial/legal, programming and more. Hope and expect earnings to be announced very soon. It has been delayed considerably due to the amount of work that needs to be done to compile and prepare these reports. What was previously being handled by a full staff is now being handled by a much smaller core group of people. The company remains in business and hard at work finalizing earnings, working on the litigation front and pursuing options to improve cashflow, but still faces significant legal and financial hurdles. Earnings report will provide more detail on these issues.</i></blockquote>The fun doesn't stop there, as <b>corith1</b> (an ex-<a href="">Interplay</a> employee) <a href=" ... e><i>Don't belive it.
<br>I suspect that it is typical corporate spin, since I know better. I suspect they have 4 people. Herve (CEO), Phil (pres), an HR person to function as secretary/receptionist, and an accounting person. None of their former I.T. personal have been called in, other than the director to set up the accounting software so they can pay back payroll.</i></blockquote>I personally think that the <a href="">Interplay</a> name is now a front for a massage parlour that gives generous extras.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF=" ... LY">Raging Bull forums</A>
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Post by Franz Schubert »

Luke Haase wrote:Hope and expect earnings to be announced very soon.
He then added: "We're just waiting on IBM to develop some hardware that can actually compute such a large negative number".
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Post by S4ur0n27 »


More like a number with such a number of decimals.
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