Twilight War interview at HomeLAN Fed

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Mr. Teatime
Righteous Subjugator
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Twilight War interview at HomeLAN Fed

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[ -> Interview]</strong>

It looks like <a href="">Smiling Gator</a> are doing a batch of interviews, because <b>Matthew Simmons</b>, the <B>President of Sales and Marketing</b> for <a href="">Smiling Gator</a>, has just done a <a href="">new Q&A</a>. This time it's with <a href="">HomeLAN Fed</a>:<blockquote><b><i>HomeLAN - What kinds of locations and settings will Twilight War have?</b>
<br>Matthew Simmons - The initial release will cover Western North America, or what remains of it. The Silicon Republic (or Silics) controls what’s left of north-central California, now bordered by the Frisco Sea. Much of southern Californian is dominated by the Brotherhood of Mutants. The nearby Barrier Islands are the home to the Silics’ allies the Samuran Empire. The Vagan Cartels inhabit what used to be Las Vegas, and the Jeffersonians inhabit the remains of present-day Northern Cali and Oregon. Many disputed areas and wild Outlands connect these major holdings.
<br>The landscape will contain mountains, deserts, swamps, forests, plains; almost every conceivable terrain. The scattered populated areas will vary in size from a mere campsite to a village to a decent-sized city. There will be plenty to explore: ruins, caves and tracks of wasteland inhabited only by bandits or worse.</i></blockquote>As I've said before, a lot of it looks interesting... it's just that it's a MMORPG.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF="">Blue's News</A>
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