RPG Vault on The Fall and Restricted Area

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Mr. Teatime
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RPG Vault on The Fall and Restricted Area

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>

<a href="http://rpgvault.ign.com">RPG Vault</a> have posted an <a href="http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/553/55 ... article</a> where they talk about "<i>a quintet of impending titles that appear they may prove worthy of more attention than they've received to date</i>". Amongst the games they talk about is <a href="http://www.the-fall.com">The Fall</a>:<blockquote><i><b>Developer: Silver Style Entertainment
<br>Publisher: Silver Style and Deep Silver (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
<br>Projected Release: November
<br>What it's about</b>
<br>In 2062, vast amounts of carbon dioxide were pumped into Earth's atmosphere, possibly by mistake, during a terrorist situation. The global temperature rose by 10.5 degrees Centigrade, or almost 20 Fahrenheit. Some 21 years later, the planet is wracked incessantly by fierce dry storms, and anarchy reigns. One day, you return to your village from the Wastelands to find everyone there has been slaughtered by one of the local gangs. However, your father's body is nowhere to be found, giving you at least a scintilla of hope he's still alive.
<br>Since that day, the desire for revenge has been your constant companion although you don't even know how to find the murderers, never mind how to avenge yourself on them as one against many. Then, news arrives that a new government in the Southwest is looking to assemble a mercenary army to establish and maintain order. Perhaps your luck has changed. There's only one way to find out, and you quickly decide to do so.
<br><b>Why it's a potential sleeper</b>
<br>Since Silver Style's game has yet to find distribution outside the above-named countries, it has received relatively limited North American exposure aside from of RPG Vault's diary series. Nonetheless, as we've learned while tracking The Fall - Last Days of Gaia during the past months, it promises to deliver an open-ended play experience, NPCs with daily routines like real people, over 500 assorted items, player-driven vehicles and many other features. We can only hope it will find its way across the Atlantic before too long.</i></blockquote>Despite popular opinion around here, I'm looking forward to this game, though I'm skeptical of that November release date. <a href=http://www.the-fall.com">The Fall</a> has already slipped 6 months.
<br>In the same article, they talk about <a href="http://www.ra2083.com/">Restricted Area</a>:<blockquote><i><b>Developer: master creating
<br>Publisher: Vidis (Germany)
<br>Projected Release: Shipped Oct. 1
<br>What it's about</b>
<br>In it's cyberpunk-themed action RPG, developer master creating amalgamates several key aspects of the two genres. A fairly rapid pace to the play, a relatively straightforward approach to the control system and even the inclusion of some shooter-like elements represent the former. To balance off the other side of the equation, the team has incorporated various RPG-style features like a conversation system in which you make real choices, a narrative containing some unexpected twists, and a complex but accessible scheme of character attributes and skills.
<br>The tale begins when four meet in a downtown area. They have nothing in common except one critical goal, to begin a new life. You can play as former special forces agent Johnson, the psionically gifted Victoria Williams, martial artist and one-time Yakuza mob heir apparent Kenji Takahashi, or the inventive Jessica Parker. Your decision determines the perspective from which you experience the story, one that requires the talents of the entire quartet to battle and defeat an evil corporation.
<br><b>Why it's a potential sleeper</b>
<br>Once again, we have a game without known North American distribution. master creating did have a publishing deal with a UK-based firm, but it fell through. The combination of these factors plus the small size of the team has meant rather limited exposure outside the developer's home market, Germany. We think Restricted Area could turn out to be a sleeper because the cyberpunk premise is still fresh enough to be attractive, the art direction seems stylish and the characters appear to offer diverse play experiences.</i></blockquote>Cyberpunk is always a good start.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPGDot</A>
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Sovy Kurosei
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Post by Sovy Kurosei »

Carsten has ment well, but the boy is best at listening than talking, because he ends up backing himself up into a corner.

The Fall story and setting is a bit iffy, and I hope he improves on some of the animations in the game, namely the vehicle animations to make them look more fluid. The animations I sighted were from the trailer, by the way.

Restricted Area doesn't look bad, although I don't know too much about it.

Both games I am looking forward too, though.
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