Mutants Rising Press Release

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King of Creation
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Mutants Rising Press Release

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[ -> Update]</strong>

The <a href="">Mutant's Rising</a> team have released their press release for the month. Here it is:
<br><blockquote><i>OK, we've been a bit slack this month getting together a monthly update for you guys and there's a good reason for that - Quite simply we don't have much to update you on. For various reasons this last month has been particularly challenging to the team and we have been finding it hard to produce content for the mod. We seem to be going through a bit of a slump at the moment with most of the team members losing focus on MR, sorry guys we do have real life jobs, schools, friends, hobbies that demand a great deal of our time.
<br>What we need?
<br>==> A good scripter
<br>==> Motivation
<br>Don't worry its not all doom and gloom we still want to finish the mod its just a bit daunting sometimes on how much work is involved - A lot of the guys on the team have already spent several hundred hours on production so far...</i></blockquote>We're all eagerly anticipating the release of the mod, and we all still have great faith in you guys.
<br>In addition, <b>Wild_qwerty</b> also posted some new screenshots which you can check out <a href=" ... 3">here</a>.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF="">NMA</A>
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fallout ranger
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Post by fallout ranger »

the screens are okay, the fact they skipped last month's press release shows how much effort they're pouring into the thing.
does this work
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