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My mod feedback/ideas

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:23 pm
by Haris
Well since my mod has gone way down on news page. i am starting new thread here for feedback and ideas on upcoming update of it.

In the link below you can find all info about my mod and download link for latest version wich is not beta but fully tested and playable mod.

in this thread you can allso ask me if you have problems with mod or just general questions about its gameplay.

i am not 100% sure if i am gonna do any new updates on this mod, mostly coz me and my brother are planing on making fallout mmorpg with fallout graphics and ultima online engine and server system, we could actually pull it off hance i have been scripting mmorpg for a long while and i have been having my own mmorpg server in the past. we just arent sure if we wanna start this coz my impresion off several fallout forums is that fallout fans hate mmorpg fallout idea. even thoe this game would be downloadable for free and everyone would be able to set up their own server and play it with their friends or just run public servers with huge amounts of players. (meaning no montlhy fee)

well you can give us allso your opinion on this. question is do u want us to make updates on our normal fallout 2 mod or this mmorpg?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:25 pm
by Mr. Teatime
Moved to the correct forum.

And I definately don't want to see another MMORPG.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:31 pm
by Haris
dont mistake this for crap kind of mmorpg like eq. in this one you would be able to buy ur own wasteland house and put a shop keeper in it and he would sell weapons and armors and ammo that u find in wastelands. you would just price em and he would be selling them for you even if your not online. plus graphics would be same as fallout 2 with 2d wiew and not 3d.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:53 pm
by Nicolai
It's your spare time, but how about just making more fallout 2 mods instead? I'm sure that it would be much more popular among fallout fans :drunk:

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:21 pm
by Haris
ok i dont want to talk about mmorpg in this thread. keep only questions/coment about "fallout 2 SA mod" here. i made new thread in fallout spin offs forum. coz mmorpg that we are making has nothing to do with fallout editor.