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Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:40 am
I haven't seen where the wild things are but it wasn't really out in theaters long so I'm guessing it will be on DVD real soon. I vaguely remember the book being read to me in like the 1st grade, the monsters always looked odd.
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:52 am
by S4ur0n27
t'was pretty good
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:39 am
by jetbaby
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:12 am
by S4ur0n27
jet :onelove:
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:35 am
by jetbaby
I still haven't seen Avatar. All of my friends were like YEAH LETS GO YEAH WOO and then no one actually did.
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:50 am
by Superhaze
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:08 am
by jetbaby
Yeah, saw that.
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:24 am
by VasikkA
It's not real ?!
Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 7:08 am
by Dogmeatlives
just saw the flick and I have to say that it was fucking fantastic and one of the most powerful anti-war flicks I've seen in a long long time... maybe ever perhaps. Now you may be saying "DML, how can you seriously think of this blue man movie as some great anti-war flick"- ok i'll tell you-- it makes the whole thing fresh for me. I have seen humans killing humans and its just what we do to one another, but when you bring it to another world it just made the impact on me much stronger. I think that cameron used cliched characters, plot, actions to reinforce his point of view.
I def have a gripe with folks who took issue with the "simple" plot... are you fucking kidding me? the plot was fine... "but its just john smith and pocahantas".... well, fuck, ok but did john smith travel across the galaxy to walk around in a native body and eventually turn on his own species in order to protect some kind of giant hard drive planet.....??? Fucking NO!! so settle the fuck down and, yeah...
I think good sci-fi uses the strange and insanely foreign in order to shine a spotlight on humanity's best and worst characteristics and Avatar does this brilliantly.
I love how Cameron makes his opinion so fucking clear in this film. He is saying that we need to completely change our focus or we can be damned as a species, damned to a never ending quest for the next piece of land to destroy. The message is so fucking clearly stated that its brilliant.
This was a great film, great science fiction. It did something very new as well. It brought us deeply into an alien world that I believe was lovingly imagined and was also backed up by scientific theories involving possible life on other planets. In this way, I don;t think any film or documentary has given us a clearer, more spectacular view of an alien world. I loved it. It def beats out district 9 and Moon as the sci-fi flick of '09. thanks you and good night.
Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:53 am
by Dreadnought
Dogmeatlives wrote:boo-fucking-hoo
Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:34 pm
by Cimmerian Nights
I saw it last night, was pretty good, but not "all that".
The plot isn't shitty, but the visuals definitely overwhelm everything else.
Dogmeatlives wrote:
I think good sci-fi uses the strange and insanely foreign in order to shine a spotlight on humanity's best and worst characteristics and Avatar does this brilliantly.
It wasn't all that foreign though, Amerindian tribe, Viet Nam style war (Heuey-clone choppers - "get some!"), WTC type attack.
These are old Cameron themes.
I love how Cameron makes his opinion so fucking clear in this film.
It was very hamfisted at times.
The Giovanni Ribisi character and Stephen Lange were really cliched.
I am heartless, soulless business man this is psycho military officer and we're the bad guys. Oooooooo. They were right out of the "Cliche Bad Guy's Handbook" without the twirling mustaches. Ribisi and especially Lange are awesome actors and their talents were really wasted on characters that are just bad for their own sake, they make no attempt to deeped those characters. Just greedy business man and belligerent soldier.
Due to this, the message isn't complicated at all, there's no grey area, it's not multifaceted it's over simplified
Business and military is bad.
Trees and science are good.
in RL it's not that simple, and I don't think it serves the purpose of your message to portray it such.
There's also this weird Cameron things I can never reconcile.
It goes back to the Reese going back in time to fuck his best friend's mother, thus becoming his father in the process. I don't know how you reconcile this.
THen in this movie, you have a guy, who's basically a mental ventriloquist who gets involved romantically with a blue chick. How does she reconcile the fact that she's banging a cloned mannequin controlled by a quadriplegic alien? And she's cool with all that?
I will say I almost cried a couple times, but that was because of the bong hits I think.
I get verklempt when I watch sappy movies lifted. :Talk amongst yourselves:
Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:05 pm
by MadBill
I keep hearing people call this movie good, do I really have to watch it?
Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:11 pm
by Dreadnought
I watched it some time ago and didn't give half a fuck. Then again I have taken a lot of drugs and haven't become all too addicted.
All in all it's like a day trip to Aqua World on acid... but then you realize you went to Safari Park instead.
Also speaking of parks, the ruthlessly reused sounds from Jurassic Park made me angry! I was constantly pissed off watching it!
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 4:50 am
by Psychoul
LOL, and i have the same thoughts Dogmeat had. TRUST ME I KNOW. ;D
good movie. cool looking, the whole idea we need to change our attidude about the way we live is good.. even though its been used thousands of times.
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 6:51 am
by MR Snake
um..avatar is a crap movie. Sure it has nice 3d effects but is this one to remember for anything but that?
No.. movie sucked. Nothing original there, not even the avatar.
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:26 am
by jetbaby
Visually astonishing (still not a big fan of 3D, it's still a very flawed and, overall, flash not substance addition to film), but a severely flawed swiss-cheese writing and story made for an overall bad movie.
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:29 am
by MR Snake
We need a "like" feature on Dac. I would totally "like" jeybabys post.
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:01 am
by Dreadnought
Like your monobrow?
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 11:00 am
by Wolfman Walt
What suprises me most about Dogmeat's review? That the word "jew" never once entered it. I'm floored. His street cred is officially gone.
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:58 pm
by Yonmanc
Dogmeatlives wrote:just saw the jew and I have to say that it was fucking fantastic and one of the most powerful jew flicks I've seen in a long long time... maybe ever perhaps. Now you may be saying "DML, how can you seriously think of this jew movie as some great jew flick"- ok i'll tell you-- it makes the whole thing jewish for me. I have seen humans killing jews and its just what we do to jews, but when you bring it to another world it just made the impact on me much stronger. I think that jew used cliched jews, plot, actions to reinforce his point of view.
I def have a gripe with jews who took issue with the "simple" plot... are you fucking kidding me? the plot was fine... "but its just john smith and pocahantas".... well, fuck, ok but did john smith travel across the galaxy to walk around in a native jew body and eventually turn on his own jews in order to protect some kind of giant hard drive jewtopia.....??? Fucking NO!! so settle the fuck down and, yeah...
I think good jews use the strange and insanely foreign in order to shine a spotlight on humanity's best and worst characteristics and Jewvatar does this brilliantly.
I love how Camer-jew makes his opinion so fucking clear in this jew film. He is saying that we need to completely change our focus or we can be damned as jews, damned to a never ending quest for the next piece of land to jew-stroy. The message is so fucking clearly stated that its jewish.
This was a great film, great jew fiction. It did something very jewish as well. It brought us deeply into an jew world that I believe was lovingly imagined and was also backed up by jew theories involving possible jews on other planets. In this way, I don;t think any film or documentary has given us a clearer, more spectacular view of an jew world. I loved it. It def beats out district 9 and Jew as the sci-fi flick of '09. thanks you and good night.
jew jew jew
Walt, I think you need to re-read it...