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Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 6:07 am
by ArchVile
I had an amazing character, 10 IN, 8 CH. And i had no problems talking my way outa problems

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2002 8:07 pm
by VasikkA
Yeah, with high Intelligence the game becomes twice as easy.

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 6:25 pm
by Walking Refrigerator
Even better:

IN: 10
LK: 10

That's really fun.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 5:44 am
by Stainless
IN: <5 is an absolute laugh.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 6:00 am
by TheReaper
If you combine being female with a high CH then it's almost as good as a high Speech skill.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 7:45 am
by Strap
heheh. my chicks "name" was "honey-tits" in reno. and my guy was "Arnold-swollen-member" lol

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 1:40 pm
by Stainless
I had Princess as both her boxing and movie star name

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 1:56 am
by Stev
at one point i tried a char that was deequiped of all weapons, entirely relying on speech... but i would get killed a little too much in the desert and ended up forsaking my diplomatic skills on several occasions

I think fallout is such a great game because of the fact that no character can do everything in the game. there are places you cant talk your way out of, while other places going through shooting will get you killed regardless of your gun skills.
You have to play an extreme to witness some of the more interesting points of the game, but to view them all you have to play through several times, each time with a completely different character.
unfortunetly every time I play my char ends up the same way...

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 10:00 am
by Kashluk
If my memory serves me right, my character was known as "Wolf" to the mob, boxers and porn stars all together :D

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 12:58 am
by Stealth Rabbit
my character had high agility and charisma, along with high speech. he also was a gigalo, porn star and a slaver. take that, NCR!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 1:32 am
by Snake
My current current character tag skills are small arms, plasma weapons and first aid [should have been doctor oh well]
But I do have a high intelligence and building up speech, science and repair skills so I can talk as well as kill
Kind of in the same vein as Mad Max, Snake Plisken and Ash
Characters that are smart and can go toe to toe if need be
Melee combat and dipolmatic spin doctoring don't really excite me as much

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 1:37 am
by Kashluk
Heh, I dunno why, but I never got interested of melee fighting with my main character either. I always kept him/her a gun-toating peacemaker and left Sulik do the dirty work up-close. 8)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 5:08 pm
by Stealth Rabbit
i always found the alien blaster, so i usually had to get in close to them. or i just use the solar scorcher.

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 8:23 pm
by Kashluk
I usually just blasted around with my Bozar and >4000 rounds of .223 :? After two rounds of combat only people behind my back were standing up.

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 9:59 pm
by Warlord
:P That's how it usually goes..

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 11:02 pm
by Kashluk
Too bad I had most of my buddies at "Charge"... Oh well.

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 4:23 am
by Red
Putting everyone on Charge using a Bozar is a good way to "get" all the NPCs with only 2 charisma :twisted:

Re: Your FO2 char

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 1:32 am
by Haethurn
Richy wrote:What style of character do you prefer in fallout? It will be interesting to see who uses who and why. Personally I like combat, but its always interesting playing through aspects of the game with different types of char.
I love playing highly intelligent and charismatic characters. My current character that I'm playing through Fallout 2 with is a doctor with decent speech and small gun skills. It's a slight variation on the first character I played in that game, except that this one has less of an emphasis on persuasion and more on healing, and I might add, this character is proficient in small guns. The first character I played really sucked in that she had no combat skills tagged.

I think that when I next play Fallout 1, I'll play it with a doctor/hand-to-hand fighter type character. I think that it would be an interesting character.


Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 11:46 pm
by Mack_The_Knife
My first character was the deceptive "sharpshooter potential" character... but that was in 1998...

Later on, I named my mafia "made-man" girl "X", and then I picked Jenny X as the porn-star name and Spinning Jenny as boxer name...

ST 4
PE 7
EN 4
CH 6
IN 7
AG 4
LK 4

Sex Appeal and Skilled... Tagged Small Guns, Speech and Lockpick (I jsut use lockpick to get into the Dutton's stash room)...

I really don't need stealing that much... I only like to steal Metzger's shotgun right before I rush into the room on the right, stand around the corner and start "criticalizing" those dumbass slavers that get tied up in a kind of pathetic "traffic jam" right outside the door... and since I'm on a dead angle, there's hardly ever more than one slaver firing at me... and so, after The Den, I'm rich, filthy rich... WHO THE FUCK SAID THERE AREN'T ANY COMBAT TACTICS IN FALLOUT2? WHO NEEDS FoT's RINKY-DINK POSITIONS? Then I start heading towards VC and end up finding a party of miners with Grease Guns and Pancor Jackhammers fending off claim jumpers with laser rifles but little skill on energy weapons... I wait a while... drop like a bomb on the side that appears to be winning halfway through the fight, and then, I fire a bullet into the back of the head of the one or two people remaining on the surviving side...

The point is: you only need combat in fallout to get rich - I only fight in bouts in which I fire the first shot by my own choice, from the position I find more tactically adequate cover wise and over weapon accuracy versus AP's... I dislike surprises... so I tackle the fallout story with speech, and Mason's sunglasses, and some drugs here and there... and I do these vicious, sneaky mercenary attacks on a town's status quo (depends on how evil or good my character is) for the sake of looting... halfway across the game I have so much ammo and so much doe I don't know what to do with it: Vic and Cassidy only need full auto shotguns until I get Gauss guns, and Sulik needs hardly needs more than stims, a combat knife and the latest of the very few SMG's in the game... So it becomes easy to be wealthy in fallout2 and never see anything you reasonably need and can't have if you have a get-in-while-nobody-means-you-harm-and-place-your-characters-carefully-around-corners-and-just-bank-on-the-critters'-lack-of-understanding-of-how-few-AP's-the-critters-have-got kind of approach to combat...

I take it THE ORIGINAL fallout is a much more challenging kind of game, where you really live on the edge, scrounging every last bit of ammo and stims, and really makes you feel like there has been a global nuclear holocaust... and basically don't get disgusted at the huge amount of high-tech mint condition guns and the enormous cumbersome stack of acessory armor that you feel compelled to haul to the next town at the expense of negotiating to-the-pound weight limitations between you, your party, and the car trunk...

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 11:01 am
by Mob1us
Once tried it with a char with no external armour and NO guns, just implants and hand to hand, melee, and thrown, HARD WORK. And early on lots of runnin LOL. Did kill the guard at the start though :D